What Success means to Artists | Bleur

For this episode of Bleur’s ‘State of the Art’, they asked us what success means to us. For me, it’s making one incredible, beautiful piece of work that I’ve given my all. I want to feel like the piece I made, is me, having given it everything I have. Seeing my imagination and ideas turned physical manifestation. Then, stepping back from the piece after having done that final stitch, or stroke, or placement - just me and the work alone in a room, and feeling a sense of accomplishment and gratification.

Not needing to share the work with anyone, just knowing I have made something and I am proud of it and myself.

I think a lot of people, regardless of profession are always working towards something new, and we’re often always our harshest critics. Success for me will be making this piece of work and recognising I am an artist embodied, not by job title but by the sheer passion for creative exploration and expression.

Making work can feel hugely emotive, and for me, I look forwards to constantly making work that gives me that emotional feeling once completed. Knowing what I’d just finished can be made again in a new way - using the new skills just learnt from that project, and using it again for something else.

What does success mean to you?

Check out Bleur’s YouTube channel to find more videos from the ‘State of the Art’ series plus loads more!


Giving Up on Being an Artist | Bleur


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