By Laundry Arts, curated by Georgina Johnson

CUNT was the second exhibition by The Laundry, an arts programme for BAME and womxn creatives. It was held at the KK Outlet in October 2017. The exhibition was on the word cunt - as exhibiting artists we explored the word through it’s histories, meaning, context, and personal relationship.

Artists on show: Georgia Johnson, Artist Ahaad Almoudi - Saudi Arabia, Photographer Dafy Hagai - Tel Aviv. Bio-hacking designer Giulia Tomasello - Italy, Painter Jameson - UK and myself - Artist Sophie Rawlingson - UK.

 My work was connected to the work I was doing for The PEACH Diaries at the time. The PEACH Diaries is a zine I make with my sister on the theme of contraception. When using and dealing with something meant to empower you, but can often missing the mark, I like to in my imagination refer to a higher power for strength. As someone with no religion, I thought about the universe and how that came to be. I imagined a womxn giving birth to the universe and all that’s inside.

“Why is it assumed I that I must alter my mind and body, my physical and mental state, just for easier sex?”

Would she let this happen? Would she accept contraception for what is is now, or challenge it and ask it to be better?

 Alongside the exhibition was a zine making workshop. I hosted this with Elisa Magalhaes of Fly Trap Zine. We got participants to reconsider the words we and others use to describe our genitalia. The end of the workshop saw us write our chosen words on the wall and fill in our mantra within the zine.